Title: Bushō no idetachi: kawari kabuto to kassen byōbu tokubetsutenAuthor: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kyōdo Shiryōkan Publisher: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kyōdo Shiryōkan, 1995
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: 52 pages, 25.5 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Other: Color pictures
Topics: Kabuto,
Paintings ID: B0357
Marvelous exhibition catalog with 52 kawari kabuto and a handful battle screens
Title: Kishiwadahan yukari no katchū bugu ten : Namihaya kokutai kendō kyōgi kaisai kinen tokubetsutenAuthor: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kyōdo Shiryōkan Publisher: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kyōdo Shiryōkan, 1997
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 31 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Bugu,
Teppō ID: B0351
Small exhibition catalog related to the Kisiwada clan armors. Many of the pictures are on the dark side.
Celebrating the beauty of Japanese samurai armour