Title: Tokugawa jūgodai katchū to tōken tenAuthor: Kunōzan Tōshōgū Hakubutsukan Publisher: Kunōzan Tōshōgū Hakubutsukan, 1973
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 99 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm
Topics: Ceramics,
Paintings ID: B0359
Interesting book with the armors and swords of the Tokugawa clan. (Newer version of B0354?)
Title: Tokugawa jūgodai katchū to tōkenAuthor: Kunōzan Tōshōgū Hakubutsukan Publisher: Kunōzan Tōshōgū Hakubutsukan, 1971
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 126 pages, 26 cm by 19 cm, hardcover
Topics: Katchū,
Tōsōgu ID: B0354
Interesting book with the armors and swords of the Tokugawa clan.
Title: Kunzan tōshōgū densei no bunkazai
Author: Yūichi Hiroi
Publisher: Kunōzan Tōshōgū Hakubutsukan, 1994
ISBN: None
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Many color and black and white pictures
Other: 345 pages, 35 by 27 cm, hardcover, limited to 500
Topics: Bugu, Ceramics, Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Nihontō, Paintings, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0015
Very beautiful book from the Kunōzan Tōshōgū museum with a lot of pieces related to Tokugawa. Limited to 500.
Celebrating the beauty of Japanese samurai armour