Title: Yoroi to kabuto ten - Momoyama - Edo jidaiAuthor: Nihon-shi Zoku Shiryōkan Publisher: Nihon-shi Zoku Shiryōkan, 1972
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures
Other: 24 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto,
Menpō ID: B0316
Old exhibition catalog. The pictures are rather small and black and white. 52 items.
Title: Yoroi to kabuto ten - Momoyama - Edo jidaiAuthor: Nihon-shi Zoku Shiryōkan Publisher: Nihon-shi Zoku Shiryōkan, 1972
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures
Other: 24 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto,
Menpō ID: B0316
Old exhibition catalog. The pictures are rather small and black and white. 52 items.
Celebrating the beauty of Japanese samurai armour