Title: 600 Japanese Sword Fittings Terms Author: Panchita S. Hawley, W. M. Hawley Publisher: Panchita S. Hawley, 1998 ISBN: 0-910714-39-2 Language: English Illustrations: Line Drawings Other: 133 pages, 28 cm by 22 cm, softcover Topics:Nihontō, Tōsōgu ID: B0154
W. M. Hawley was one of these pioneers who opened up a lot of info to the West. He is famous for his “Japanese Swordsmiths”, but he also made many other (and smaller) books. This is one of them. 600 Japanese Sword Fittings Terms is one of several volumes that contain specific terms for a certain subset of Japanese arms, illustrated by mainly line drawings. The only regret is that the kanji are still all hand written. Otherwise fantastic resource.
Title: 150 Japanese Polearm Terms Author: Panchita S. Hawley, W. M. Hawley Publisher: Panchita S. Hawley, 1997 ISBN: 0-910704-37-6 Language: English Illustrations: Line Drawings Other: 3 + 27 pages, 28 cm by 22 cm, softcover Topics:Nihontō ID: B0153
W. M. Hawley was one of these pioneers who opened up a lot of info to the West. He is famous for his “Japanese Swordsmiths”, but he also made many other (and smaller) books. This is one of them. 150 Japanese Polearm Terms is one of several volumes that contain specific terms for a certain subset of Japanese arms, illustrated by mainly line drawings. The only regret is that the kanji are still all hand written. Otherwise fantastic resource.
Nice book that was published during the process of creating the exhibition “Samurai – A Thousand Years of Cults in Culture” in Malmö in 2004. Although the book is more focussed on the Samurai culture as a whole, it is interesting from an armour perspective as some armours from the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Kunstkamera (St. Petersburg) are in here.
Very nice book that was published at the occasion of an exhibition in 2012 in the Frazier History Museum. Several very nice kabuto and armours (and many other samurai related items). Nice photography.
Another number of the Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise. This one contains mainly several interesting non-armour related articles. Only one beautiful kabuto by Yoshimichi Katsuyoshi (student of the famous Yoshimichi) is decribed by Robert Burawoy. In my copy, a small booklet (in English) was included with an Armour Glossary, also from Mr. Burawoy and an English translation of the magazine.
Bushido, the magazine that Robert Benson and Elton K. Ericson started to publish in 1979, lasted only 9 numbers but what an achievement it was. Each magazine contains interesting articles on armour, nihonto, tōsōgu and budō. I have only but admiration for what they accomplished in an age where it was quite hard (and expensive) to publish a partially color magazine.
Very nice museum catalog from the Sendai City Museum with armours, guns, swords, battle flags, abumi, kura etc. A newer edition was printed in 2006 that is full color.
Very nicely balanced catalog about the Takeda clan: armours, documents, paintings, swords etc. Included is also a dō that is made out of bamboo, said from the sengoku jidai.