Title: Edo no dandizumu - otoko no bigaku Author: Shigeki Kawakami Publisher: Seigensha, 2007 ISBN: 978-4-86152-110-2 C0371 Language: Japanese Illustrations: Color Pictures Other: 115 pages, 25 cm by 25 cm, softcover Topics:Culture, Kabuto, Katchū, Netsuke, Paintings, Samurai, Tōsōgu ID: B0478
Edo and Dandyism. A nicely illustrated book about the “extravagant” fashion in the Edo period.
Title: Bushi no yosooi - Clothes of samurai warriors Publisher: Kȳoto Shoin, 1994 ISBN: 4-7636-7038-7 C0372 Language: Japanese and English Illustrations: Color Pictures Other: 95 pages, 21.5 cm by 15.5 cm, hardcover Topics:Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Paintings, Samurai ID: B0346
Nice small book that also highlights some of the other clothes (like kimono, but also others) worn by the samurai elite.
Title: Katchū to meishō Author: Yoshihiko Sasama Publisher: Yūzankaku, 1966 Language: Japanese Illustrations: Black and white pictures, line drawings Other: 242 pages, 20 cm by 14 cm, hardcover Topics:Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Paintings ID: B0444
Brief book of Sasama, with only a few pictures and illustrations of old armor from famous generals.
Title: Yūsoku kojitsu zuten : fukusō to kojitsu Author: Keizō Suzuki Publisher: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 1995 ISBN: 4-642-07467-8 C1021 Language: Japanese Illustrations: Black and white pictures, line drawings, few color illustrations Other: 196 pages, 22 cm by 16 cm, hardcover Topics:History, Katchū, Paintings, Tōsōgu ID: B0434
Illustrated dictionary of ancient Japanese court and military practices