
Nihon no katchū By Kyōto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan

Nihon no katchū By Kyōto Kokuritsu HakubutsukanTitle: Nihon no katchū
Author: Kyōto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan
Publisher: Kyōto kokuritsu hakubutsukan, 1987
Language: Japanese and some English
Illustrations: Color and black and white pictures
Other: 198 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Sōmen
ID: B0389

Superb catalog of the 1987 armor exhibition at the Kyoto National Museum. This is the cheaper version of the amazing B0024 catalog.

Eisei bunko no buki bugu By Kumamoto Kenritsu Bijutsukan

Eisei bunko no buki bugu By Kumamoto Kenritsu BijutsukanTitle: Eisei bunko no buki bugu
Author: Kumamoto Kenritsu Bijutsukan
Publisher: Kumamoto Kenritsu Bijutsukan, 1978
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures, few color pictures
Other: 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Nihontō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0387

Very nice exhibition catalog with a large amount of Hosokawa related armor items from the Eisei Bunku Museum collection.