
Book Review: Nihon no katchū : mononofu no haresugata By Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo Shiryōkan

Book Review: Nihon no katchū : mononofu no haresugata By Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo ShiryōkanTitle: Nihon no katchū : mononofu no haresugata
Author: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo Shiryōkan
Publisher: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo Shiryōkan, 1988
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures
Other: 16 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō
ID: B0341

Beautiful exhibition catalog with 26 armors and 24 kabuto, with very clear pictures.

Book Review: Nihon no buki bugu: Shinbutsu eno inori to katachi By Atsuta Jingū

Book Review: Nihon no buki bugu: Shinbutsu eno inori to katachi By Atsuta JingūTitle: Nihon no buki bugu: Shinbutsu eno inori to katachi
Author: Atsuta Jingū
Publisher: Atsuta Jingū Kyūchō, 1999
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 87 pages, 16 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Bugu, Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Nihontō, Paintings, Tōsōgu
ID: B0340

Very nice exhibition catalog with 17 armors, 9 kabuto, koshirae, swords, tsuba, battle screens and documents.

Book Review: Musashi bushi: shinsō kaikan kinen tokubetsuten By Saitama Kenritsu Hakubutsukan

Book Review: Musashi bushi: shinsō kaikan kinen tokubetsuten By Saitama Kenritsu HakubutsukanTitle: Musashi bushi: shinsō kaikan kinen tokubetsuten
Author: Saitama Kenritsu Hakubutsukan
Publisher: Saitama Kenritsu Hakubutsukan, 1983
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures, few color pictures
Other: 119 pages, 25 cm by 19 cm, softcover
Topics: Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Nihontō, Paintings, Statues, Tōsōgu
ID: B0339

Old exhibition catalog. Four armors, one kabuto. Very heavy on documents.

Book Review: Nihon no yoroi kabuto ten : meishō, yushō no omokage o shinobu By Keiō Hyakkaten Shinjukuten, Yomiuri Shinbunsha

Book Review: Nihon no yoroi kabuto ten : meishō, yushō no omokage o shinobu By Keiō Hyakkaten Shinjukuten, Yomiuri ShinbunshaTitle: Nihon no yoroi kabuto ten : meishō, yushō no omokage o shinobu
Author: Keiō Hyakkaten Shinjukuten, Yomiuri Shinbunsha
Publisher: Ōtsuka Kōgeisha, 1965
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures, few color pictures
Other: 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Nihontō, Sōmen, Tōsōgu
ID: B0338

Old but very nice exhibition catalog with lot of armors and kabuto, also some swords and koshirae,

Book Review: Mogami Yoshi Aki rekishikan kaikan kinenten zuroku By Mogami Yoshi Aki Rekishikan, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata-shi Kyouiku Iinkai

Book Review: Mogami Yoshi Aki rekishikan kaikan kinenten zuroku By Mogami Yoshi Aki Rekishikan, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata-shi Kyouiku IinkaiTitle: Mogami Yoshi Aki rekishikan kaikan kinenten zuroku
Author: Mogami Yoshi Aki Rekishikan, Yamagata-shi Kyouiku Iinkai
Publisher: Yamagata-shi Kyouiku Iinkai, 1990
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 109 pages, 26 cm by 21 cm, softcover
Topics: Bagu, Bugu, Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Nihontō, Paintings, Teppō
ID: B0337

Nice catalog with a good mix of items, but only four armors, 1 kabuto. Heavy on documents.

Book Review: Bizen ikedake no meihō : Hayashibara bijutsukan shozō By Hayashibara Bijutsukan, Tokugawa Bijutsukan

Book Review: Bizen ikedake no meihō : Hayashibara bijutsukan shozō By Hayashibara Bijutsukan, Tokugawa BijutsukanTitle: Bizen ikedake no meihō : Hayashibara bijutsukan shozō
Author: Hayashibara Bijutsukan, Tokugawa Bijutsukan
Publisher: Hayashibara Bijutsukan, 2000
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures
Other: 40 pages, 26 cm by 21 cm, softcover
Topics: Bagu, Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura
ID: B0336

Some very beautiful items from the bizen Ikeda clan. 2 armors, 3 kabuto, but several kimono, laquerwork, noh masks and many documents.

Book Review: Tetsu to urushi no geijutsu : Kyōto Arashiyama Bijutsukan zōhinshū By Kyōto Arashiyama Bijutsukan

Book Review: Tetsu to urushi no geijutsu : Kyōto Arashiyama Bijutsukan zōhinshū By Kyōto Arashiyama BijutsukanTitle: Tetsu to urushi no geijutsu - Kyōto Arashiyama Bijutsukan zōhinshū
Author: Kyōto Arashiyama Bijutsukan
Publisher: Kyōto Arashiyama Bijutsukan, 1986
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures
Other: 95 pages, 26 cm by 21 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Bugu, Inrō, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Netsuke, Nihontō, Sōmen, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0335

Great catalog of what must have been a superb museum: the Arashiyama Museum in Kyoto. Seems there are two versions of this catalog. One with the military collection also included, and one without (like this one).

Book Review: Busō – Ōsakajō tenshukaku shūzō bugu-ten — Armaments : weaponry and material in the collection of Osaka Castle Museum By Ōsakajō Tenshukaku

Book Review: Busō – Ōsakajō tenshukaku shūzō bugu-ten — Armaments : weaponry and material in the collection of Osaka Castle Museum By Ōsakajō TenshukakuTitle: Busō : Ōsakajō tenshukaku shūzō bugu-ten : tēma-ten = Armaments : weaponry and material in the collection of Osaka Castle Museum : special exhibition
Author: Ōsakajō Tenshukaku
Publisher: Ōsakajō Tenshukaku Tokubetsu Jigyō Iinkai, 2007
Language: Japanes with some English
Illustrations: Color pictures
Other: 104 pages, 26 cm by 21 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Nihontō, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0334

Superb exhibition catalog with many armors. kabuto, swords, guns, tsuba and other samurai related armor parts from the Osaka Castle Museum collection.

Book Review: Shokoku daimyō ke no denrai meihinten – Mononofu no nagori By Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo Shiryōkan

Book Review: Shokoku daimyō ke no denrai meihinten – Mononofu no nagori By Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo ShiryōkanTitle: Shokoku daimyō ke no denrai meihinten - Mononofu no nagori
Author: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo Shiryōkan
Publisher: Kishiwada Shiritsu Kishiwadajō Kyōdo Shiryōkan, 1991
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 63 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bugu, Kabuto, Kamon, Katchū, Kura, Menpō
ID: B0333

Very nice catalog with 9 gorgeous armors, and 6 splendid kabuto and many other daimyō grade items in great condition like gunbai, jingasa, jinbaori and several laquered boxes etc.

Book Review: Hokuō no katchūten – Daimyō gusoku o chūshin toshite By Iwate Kenritsu Hakubutsukan

Book Review: Hokuō no katchūten – Daimyō gusoku o chūshin toshite  By Iwate Kenritsu HakubutsukanTitle: Hokuō no katchūten - Daimyō gusoku o chūshin toshite
Author: Iwate Kenritsu Hakubutsukan
Publisher: Iwate Kenritsu Hakubutsukan, 1988
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures
Other: 37 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0332

Nice exhibition catalog with about 32 armors, handfull helmets, and some other armor related things (abumi, krua, gunbai etc). Some old painting where some of the armor is shown.