
Book Review: Katchū bugu yūhin ten By Nihon Katchū Kenkyū Hozon Kai, Ōsakajō Tenshukaku

Book Review: Katchū bugu yūhin ten By Nihon Katchū Kenkyū Hozon Kai, Ōsakajō TenshukakuTitle: Katchū bugu yūhin ten
Author: Nihon Katchū Kenkyū Hozon Kai, Ōsakajō Tenshukaku
Publisher: Ōsakajō tenshukaku (Ōsaka-shi keizai kyoku), 1969
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures
Other: 28 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Teppō
ID: B0330

Old but nice exihibtion catalog with 25 (mainly old) armors, 13 kabuto and few other items

Book Review: Takeda-ke hihō tokubetsuten By Nihon Minzoku Shiryōkan, Nishimura Hakubutsukan, Chūnichi Shimbunsha

Book Review: Takeda-ke hihō tokubetsuten By Nihon Minzoku Shiryōkan, Nishimura Hakubutsukan, Chūnichi ShimbunshaTitle: Takeda-ke hihō tokubetsuten
Author: Chūnichi Shimbunsha, Nihon Minzoku Shiryōkan, Nishimura Hakubutsukan
Publisher: Nihon Minzoku Shiryōkan, 1976
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color and black and white pictures
Other: 48 pages, 25.5 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Paintings, Teppō
ID: B0329

Nice old exhibition catalog centered around the Takeda clan. 6 armors, 7 helmets, other mostly armor related items, screens etc.

Book Review: Kabuto: kabuto no bi – sono hensei to zōkei By Fukuyama Shiritsu Fukuyamajō Hakubutsukan, Fukuyamashi Kyōiku Iinkai

Book Review: Kabuto: kabuto no bi – sono hensei to zōkei By Fukuyama Shiritsu Fukuyamajō Hakubutsukan, Fukuyamashi Kyōiku IinkaiTitle: Kabuto: kabuto no bi: sono hensei to zōkei
Author: Fukuyamashi kyōiku Iinkai
Publisher: Fukuyama Shiritsu Fukuyamajō Hakubutsukan, 1984
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white pictures, few color pictures
Other: 25.5 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū
ID: B0326

Very nice exhibition catalog with 78 items, all kabuto except one old dō maru. Some are famous but most came from private collections.

Book Review: Katchūten – Kashidoriito odoshi yoroi fukusei kinen by Toyotashi Kyōdo Shiryōkan

Book Review: Katchūten – Kashidoriito odoshi yoroi fukusei kinen by Toyotashi Kyōdo ShiryōkanTitle: Katchūten - Kashidoriito odoshi yoroi fukusei kinen
Author: Toyotashi Kyōdo Shiryōkan
Publisher: Toyodashi Kyōiku Iinkai, 1983
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Black and white picture, 3 color pictures
Other: 47 pages, 25.5 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Documents, Kabuto, Paintings
ID: B0325

Nice old exhibition catalog focused on armor with in total of 48 items, most armor, but also some old pictures, books, haniwa and some modern parts like kozane.

Book Review: Kinsei no katchū by Hiroshimashi Rekishi Kagaku Kyōiku Jigyōdan Hiroshimajō

Book Review: Kinsei no katchū by Hiroshimashi Rekishi Kagaku Kyōiku Jigyōdan HiroshimajōTitle: Kinsei no katchū
Author: Hiroshimashi Rekishi Kagaku Kyōiku Jigyōdan Hiroshimajō
Publisher: Hiroshimashi rekishi kagaku kyōiku jigyōdan hiroshimajō, 1995
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 37 pages, 26 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō
ID: B0322

Thin but very nice catalog with 34 beautiful armors and kabuto, most of them not seen in other publications.