
Book Review: Sōma no kabuto by Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozonkai Fukushimaken shibu

Book Review: Sōma no kabuto by Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozonkai Fukushimaken shibuTitle: Sōma no kabuto
Author: Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozonkai Fukushimaken shibu
Publisher: Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozonkai Fukushimaken shibu, 1989
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 127 pages, 30.5 cm, 21.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō
ID: B0195

Fantastic book by the Fukushima group of the Japanese Armour Society. Only 4 armours, but a huge amount of kabuto that were at that time in collections in Fukushima. Rare.

Book Review: Saotome ha kabuto shashin shū by Teruo Orikasa

Book Review: Saotome ha kabuto shashin shū by Teruo OrikasaTitle: Saotome ha kabuto shashin shū
Author: Teruo Orikasa
Publisher: Teruo Orikasa, 1984
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 65 pages, 30.5 cm, 22.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Kabuto
ID: B0194

This is a very rare book on Saotome kabuto by the main researcher on this superb school of Japanese samurai helmets, Teruo Orikasa. 26 years later, we made together a follow up book with “Helmets of the Soatome school”  (B0182). One of the very few books that has multiple angle pictures of a kabuto as it should be. A must. I believe that the printing was limited to 200.

Book Review: Kinki no meikō by Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozonkai

Book Review: Kinki no meikō by Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū HozonkaiTitle: Kinki no meikō
Author: Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozonkai
Publisher: Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozon Kai, 1998
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color and black and white pictures
Other: 100 pages, 30.5 cm by 21.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Teppō
ID: B0193

Very nice and now rare publication from the Osaka regio branch (Kinki) of the The Armour society. Many pieces you will probably not find in any mainstream publication. Does also include several old akodanari kabuto and haramaki etc. Limited to 300.

Book Review: The Lundgren Collection of Japanese Metalwork, Tuesday, 18 November 1997 by Christie’s London

Book Review: The Lundgren Collection of Japanese Metalwork, Tuesday, 18 November 1997 by Christie’s LondonTitle: The Lundgren Collection of Japanese Metalwork, Tuesday, 18 November 1997
Author: Christie's London
Publisher: Christie's London, 1997
Language: English
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 121 pages, 30.5 cm by 21.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Jizai Okimono, Tōsōgu
ID: B0191

This is the auction catalog for the famous Lundgren collection. Many tōsōgu are in the catalog, but also an amazing collection of jizai okimono. Limited to 200.

Book Review: The Baur Collection Geneva – Japanese Sword Fittings and Associated Metalwork by B. W. Robinson

Book Review: The Baur Collection Geneva – Japanese Sword Fittings and Associated Metalwork by B. W. RobinsonTitle: The Baur Collection Geneva - Japanese Sword Fittings and Associated Metalwork
Author: B. W. Robinson
Publisher: Collections Baur-Genève, 1980
ISBN: 2-88031-003-2
Language: English
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 444 pages, 29 cm by 23.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Tōsōgu
ID: B0190

Fantastic catalog in a series about the fabulous Baur Collection. This one focusses on the Japanese sword fittings in the collection. Limited to 1600.

Book Review: Armures Japonaises à la XXVIe Biennale des Antiquaires by Jean-Christophe Charbonnier

Book Review: Armures Japonaises à la XXVIe Biennale des Antiquaires by Jean-Christophe CharbonnierTitle: Armures Japonaises à la XXVIe Biennale des Antiquaires
Author: Jean-Christophe Charbonnier
Publisher: ToriiLinks Editions, 2012
ISBN: 2-9520006-6-2
Language: French and English
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 80 pages, 33 cm by 24.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Sōmen
ID: B0189

Very nice sales catalog of Jean-Christophe Charbonnier, with armours, kabuto, menpō, sōmen etc. Several pieces have several pictures from different angles, as a good book should have.

Book Review: Armures Japonaises à la XXVe Biennale des Antiquaires by Jean-Christophe Charbonnier

Book Review: Armures Japonaises à la XXVe Biennale des Antiquaires by Jean-Christophe CharbonnierTitle: Armures Japonaises à la XXVe Biennale des Antiquaires
Author: Jean-Christophe Charbonnier
Publisher: ToriiLinks Editions, 2010
ISBN: 2-9520006-5-4
Language: French and English
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 96 pages, 33 cm by 24.5 cm, hardcover
Topics: Bagu, Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Tōsōgu
ID: B0188

Very nice sales catalog of Jean-Christophe Charbonnier, with armours, kabuto, menpō, bugu, bagu etc. Very beautiful photography as usual, with multiple shots of an armour, as it should be.

Book Review: Japanese Art & Handicraft by Henri L. Joly, Kumasaku Tomita

Book Review: Japanese Art & Handicraft by Henri L. Joly, Kumasaku TomitaTitle: Japanese Art & Handicraft
Author: Henri L. Joly, Kumasaku Tomita
Publisher: Robert G. Sawers Publishing, 1976
Language: English
Illustrations: Few color pictures, many black and white pictures
Other: 213 pages, 32 cm by 26 cm, hardcover
Topics: History
ID: B0187

This is a 1976 reprint edition from the original 1915 book, also known as the Red Cross book, as the book was a catalogue of a loan exhibition, used to help the British Red Cross during the first World War. It was at the time a pioneering work, especially related to tōsōgu. One of these amazing works that were published with a lot of love in the early 20th century.

Book Review: Zusetsu Nihontō yōgo jiten by Kōtōken Kajihara

Book Review: Zusetsu Nihontō yōgo jiten by Kōtōken KajiharaTitle: Zusetsu Nihontō yōgo jiten
Author: Kōtōken Kajihara
Publisher: Fukumatsu Kajihara, 1989
Language: Japanese with some English
Illustrations: Some color illustrations, many black and white illustrations
Other: 501 + 46 pages, 35 cm by 26 cm, hardcover
Topics: Nihontō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0186

A fantastic encyclopedic work related to terminology in the  nihontō and tōsōgu world. An English supplement/translation exist (that I don’t have yet).