
Book Review: The age of the samurai by Toimi Jaatinen (ed.)

Book Review: The age of the samurai by Toimi Jaatinen (ed.)Title: The age of the samurai
Author: Toimi Jaatinen
Publisher: Kunstkamera, 2004
ISBN: 951-609-230-6
Language: English
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 151 pages, 23 cm by 22 cm, hardcover
Topics: Bugu, Documents, History, Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Nihontō, Paintings, Samurai, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0152

Nice book that was published during the process of creating the exhibition “Samurai – A Thousand Years of Cults in Culture” in Malmö in 2004. Although the book is more focussed on the Samurai culture as a whole, it is interesting from an armour perspective as some armours from the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Kunstkamera (St. Petersburg) are in here.

Book Review: A short history of Japanese armour by H. Russell Robinson

Book Review: A short history of Japanese armour by H. Russell RobinsonTitle: A short history of Japanese armour
Author: H. Russell Robinson
Publisher: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1965
Language: English
Illustrations: Black and white pictures and line drawings
Other: 45 pages, 18.5 cm, by 27 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Sōmen
ID: B0151

This is a classic. Since then off course more elaborated works have been published, but you just must admire the pioneering work of these early researchers like H.R. Robinson.

Book Review: Samurai The Flowering of Japan by Andy Mancabelli, David Pepper

Book Review: Samurai The Flowering of Japan by Andy Mancabelli, David PepperTitle: Samurai The Flowering of Japan
Author: Andy Mancabelli, David Pepper
Publisher: Frazier History Museum, 2012
ISBN: #978-0-692-01744-9
Language: English
Illustrations: Color Pictures
Other: 70 pages, 24 cm by 28 cm, softcover
Topics: Bugu, Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Nihontō, Paintings, Sōmen, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0150

Very nice book that was published at the occasion of an exhibition in 2012 in the Frazier History Museum. Several very nice kabuto and armours (and many other samurai related items). Nice photography.

Book Review: Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise No 16 Janvier 1987 by Bernard Fournier-Bourdier (ed.)

Book Review: Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise No 16 Janvier 1987 by Bernard Fournier-Bourdier (ed.)Title: Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise No 16 Janvier 1987
Author: Bernard Fournier-Bourdier
Publisher: Association Franco-Japonaise, 1987
Language: French
Illustrations: Black and white pictures
Other: 45 pages, 24 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Inrō, Kabuto, Nihontō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0149

Another number of the Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise. This one contains mainly several interesting non-armour related articles. Only one beautiful kabuto by Yoshimichi Katsuyoshi (student of the famous Yoshimichi) is decribed by Robert Burawoy. In my copy, a small booklet (in English) was included with an Armour Glossary, also from Mr. Burawoy and an English translation of the magazine.

Book Review: Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise No 47 Janvier 1995 by Robert Burawoy (ed.)

Book Review: Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise No 47 Janvier 1995 by Robert Burawoy (ed.)Title: Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise No 47 Janvier 1995
Author: Robert Burawoy
Publisher: Association Franco-Japonaise, 1995
Language: French
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 45 pages, 24 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Sōmen
ID: B0148

This number from the Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise magazine contains a few gems, all written by Robert Burawoy. The first one is the only extended article I know of about modern armour makers Fukutake and Ryūtarō Ichirō, famous mainly for their sōmen that are now collectors items. The second gem is an article about the Kaga armours, based on research of Teruo Orikasa. The third one is an about a helmet by Nagasone Masanori, and the last article by Mr. Burawoy is about three armours designed by Noguchi Zesai.

Book Review: Nihon katchūshi Vol 2. Sengoku jidai kara edo jidai by Ritta Nakanishi

Book Review: Nihon katchūshi Vol 2. Sengoku jidai kara edo jidai by Ritta NakanishiTitle: Nihon katchūshi Vol 2. Sengoku jidai kara edo jidai
Author: Ritta Nakanishi
Publisher: Dai Nihon Kaiga, 2009
ISBN: 978-4-499-22956-2 C0031
Language: Japanese and English
Illustrations: Color and black and white drawings
Other: 96 pages, 25.5 by 26 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Teppō
ID: B0147

This two volume book series, completely drawn, is actually quite interesting and well done. It is bi-lingual and shows nicely the evolution of armour over time. This second volume focusses on the armours used from Sengoku jidai till Edo.

Book Review: Nihon katchūshi Vol 1. Yayoi jidai kara muromachi jidai by Ritta Nakanishi

Book Review: Nihon katchūshi Vol 1. Yayoi jidai kara muromachi jidai by Ritta NakanishiTitle: Nihon katchūshi Vol 1. Yayoi jidai kara muromachi jidai
Author: Ritta Nakanishi
Publisher: Dai Nihon Kaiga, 2008
ISBN: 978-4-499-22954-8 C0031
Language: Japanese and English
Illustrations: Color and black and white drawings
Other: 96 pages, 25.5 by 26 cm, softcover
Topics: Bagu, Bugu, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura
ID: B0146

This two volume book series, completely drawn, is actually quite interesting and well done. It is bi-lingual and shows nicely the evolution of armour over time. This first volume focusses on the early armours till Muromachi.

Book Review: Bushido International Journal of Japanese Arms by Robert Benson (ed.), Elton K. Ericson

Book Review: Bushido International Journal of Japanese Arms by Robert Benson (ed.), Elton K. EricsonTitle: Bushido International Journal of Japanese Arms (9 numbers)
Author: Elton K. Ericson, Robert Benson
Publisher: B & E Enterprises, 1979-1981
Language: English
Illustrations: Color and black and white pictures
Other: 48-50 pages, 25.5 cm by 18 cm, softcover
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Nihontō, Sōmen, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0137

Bushido, the magazine that Robert Benson and Elton K. Ericson started to publish in 1979, lasted only 9 numbers but what an achievement it was. Each magazine contains interesting articles on armour, nihonto, tōsōgu and budō. I have only but admiration for what they accomplished in an age where it was quite hard (and expensive) to publish a partially color magazine.

Book Review: Buki bugu by Sendai Hakubutsukan

Book Review: Buki bugu by Sendai HakubutsukanTitle: Buki bugu
Author: Sendai Hakubutsukan
Publisher: Sendai Hakubutsukan, 1995
Language: Japanese
Illustrations: Color pictures and black and white pictures
Other: 91 pages, 21 cm by 19.5 cm, softcover
Topics: Abumi, Bagu, Bugu, Documents, Kabuto, Katchū, Kura, Menpō, Nihontō, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0136

Very nice museum catalog from the Sendai City Museum with armours, guns, swords, battle flags, abumi, kura etc. A newer edition was printed in 2006 that is full color.

Book Review: The Jack Paras collection of Japanese swords, fittings and armor by Butterfield & Butterfield California

Book Review: The Jack Paras collection of Japanese swords, fittings and armor by Butterfield & Butterfield CaliforniaTitle: The Jack Paras collection of Japanese swords, fittings and armor
Author: Butterfield & Butterfield California
Publisher: Butterfield & Butterfield California, 1981
Language: English
Illustrations: Black and White Pictures
Other: 22 cm by 22 cm, paperback
Topics: Kabuto, Katchū, Menpō, Nihontō, Teppō, Tōsōgu
ID: B0135

Auction catalog with only one kabuto and one miniature suit (on the cover). Many tsuba, swords etc.